Dear Parent,
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education (BSE), monitors all school districts and charter schools in the state at least once every six years to ensure that they are complying with federal and state regulations for special education. Your school district will be monitored this year. As part of this monitoring, the BSE is seeking parent opinions about the special education services being provided. In addition to surveying parents, we are also interested in hearing directly from students about their educational experience. If your child is 14 years of age or older, they may complete the student survey at home or in school.
Completion of the survey is voluntary. We would appreciate if you could please take a few minutes to complete the survey(s) no later than September 16, 2022.
Please complete one survey for each child you have with a disability. For example, if you have more than one child with a disability you would complete the survey for each child with a disability.
- The PARENT survey is available at
- The STUDENT survey is available at