Welcome to the WCSD School Health Services
"You can't educate a child who isn't healthy, and you can't keep a child healthy who isn't educated." - Joycelyn Elders
Joycelyn Elders
Health Services Information
Certified School Nurses

Nicole Chapman-Heubach, RN, MSN, CSN
Eisenhower Elem. & Middle High Schools
x2012 - Fax (814) 240-1614

Carrie Corbran, RN, MSN, CSN
Youngsville Elementary School
Warren County Home Schoolers
x5523 - Fax (814) 240-1821

Ashley Grubbs, RN, BSN, CSN
Sheffield Area Elem. & Middle High Schools
Taylor Diversion Inc.
x2517 - Fax (814) 240-1727

Amanda McCray, RN, BSN
Sheffield Area Elem. & Middle High Schools
Taylor Diversion Inc.
x2517 - Fax (814) 240-1727

Julie Eckstrom, RN, MS-CSH, CSN
Youngsville Middle High School
St. Joseph's Catholic School
Warren County Christian School
x5005 - Fax (814) 240-1775
Support Nursing Staff

Ellen Chapman, LPN

Pamela Colvin, LPN

Samantha Warner, LPN

Jayne Blake, LPN

Stephanie McChesney, LPN

Nicole Simons, LPN

Amanda Ohl, LPN

Deborah Hunter, LPN

Deborah Doyle Labesky, BSN, RN

Wendy Lindell, LPN