Ideas List

In addition to all the things on the task grid which already has many options, what if you...

  1. Identify plant species on campus - PlantNet or iNaturalist apps - Create a catalog of species, identifying appearance and characteristics and sharing

  2. Identify bird species by call on campus - BirdNet app - create a catalog of species and share calls

  3. Reaction stock footage - take short clips on greenscreen background of reactions - what if a monster appeared? What if you pointed out a restaurant you like?

  4. Airspace Monitoring - Using flight data apps, take account of air traffic noting aircraft type, height, destination, etc.

  5. Sound Effect Capture - Expand our catalog of sounds

  6. Use Virtual Reality - Go through an experience and make a descriptive writing about it, such as skydiving or something new to you

  7. Research Topic - Use your time to dive deep on some aspect of technology that you'd like to learn more about, preparing a report or website about what you learn (How do they make microchips? Why would someone choose Mac over PC? Another proposal you make?)