 American Red Cross: Pediatric and Adult 1st Aid / CPR / AED  For: Parent/Guardian of a WCSD Student or a WCSD Student (17yrs+) When: Saturday, February 4, 2023 Time: 8am-3pm Place: WCSD Central Office 6820 Market Street Ext. Russell, PA 16345 Cost: $36.00 No Cash Checks made payable to: WCSD (Bring payment at time of training) To register, please contact: Tiffany Lester - Office of Pupil Services lestert@wcsdpa.org (814)723-6903 ext. 1037
over 1 year ago, Warren County School District
First Aid CPR Training
The students and faculty had a great Winter Sports' Pep Assembly today and had a chance to have some fun prior to leaving for the holiday break!
over 1 year ago, Glenn Smith
The PA Department of Community and Economic Development issued a press release on December 1st urging Pennsylvanians to review the FCC's new broadband access map for accuracy. Click the link to see the entire press release: http://ow.ly/26R150LVin1. The WCSD urges you to review the resources the DCED has provided at that link and see if your actual experience with both broadband and mobile broadband service agree with what the FCC says you have. If not, consider challenging the FCC's data by following the processes provided by the DCED. Challenges to the FCC Broadband Map must be submitted by January 13, 2023. The accuracy of the PA segment of the FCC map is absolutely crucial to the effort to bring high-speed internet access to more residents here in Warren County!
over 1 year ago, WCSD Web Admin
Attention anyone interested in being part of Warren County School District’s 8th All-County Jr. Musical, “Into the Woods, Jr.” Auditions will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 4th and Thursday, Jan. 5th at Warren Area High School. Auditions begin at 6:30. You can pick up an audition packet in the office or from your Music Teacher. Anyone in Grades 5-8 is welcome! So, if you’ve ever wanted to be on stage or work backstage now’s your chance!
over 1 year ago, Warren County School District
All County Musical Junior Audition Information
Into the Woods Jr Logo
Attention Seniors: If you wish to apply for admission to attend the University of Pittsburgh Bradford, consider the Instant Decision option. A Pitt Bradford admission representative will be visiting all the high schools. Sheffield HS: Wednesday - Dec. 14, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Eisenhower HS: Wednesday - Dec. 14, 12:30 - 3 p.m. Warren HS: Thursday - Dec. 15, 8:30 - 11 a.m. Youngsville HS: Thursday - Dec. 15, 12:30 - 3 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Warren County School District
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Instant Admission Decision Days
Follow the link below to learn more about a part-time opening at Beacon Light Behavioral Health System for a Part-time SAP Liaison/Prevention Specialist. https://beaconlightbhs.applicantpool.com/jobs/887303.html
over 1 year ago, WCSD Web Admin
The 2022-2023 Epstein Scholarship date will be closing soon and currently there are only two completed applications. The school strongly encourages seniors to apply ASAP. This scholarship is now done completely online. https://learnmore.scholarsapply.org/epstein/. Application opens November 2, 2022, and the application deadline is December 15, 2022.
over 1 year ago, Glenn Smith
Warren County Career Center Open House December 8, 2022
over 1 year ago, Warren County School District
Warren County Career Center Open House
You have been invited by Sheffield Area Middle/High to give feedback using Satchel Pulse. Go to https://app.satchelpulse.com/parents?country=us to sign up and use school ID 970426 to join the school. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Warren County School District
SAMHS students participated in Clarion/Penn West Math Competition. Sheffield overall winner was Ainara Lugo-Ramos. Great job everyone.
almost 2 years ago, Glenn Smith
SAMHS PennWest Math Team
The WCSD is using Satchel Pulse to gather anonymous feedback from parents, students, and staff. Keep an eye out here or on your building websites and social media pages for more information on when you can participate. The WCSD appreciates your participation!
almost 2 years ago, WCSD Web Admin
Satchel Pulse Survey Graphic
On November 3rd at 6:00, there will be a FAFSA Completion Workshop at the Higher-Ed building in North Warren. Parents and students of seniors that would like some guidance are encouraged to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Glenn Smith
Flyer for Higher-Ed FAFSA Workshop
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE DAY- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2022 The Warren County School District Parent-Teacher Conference Day is approaching. In order to schedule a conference with one or more of your child's teachers, please contact the building's main office.
almost 2 years ago, Eric Mineweaser
Don’t Forget Juniors and Seniors, on October 19 is our annual Warren County College Fair at Central Office. We will have colleges, tech schools, and recruiters in attendance. Not only will we have schools with college degree offerings, but also we will have colleges who offer short term certifications and technical schools. If you need a permission form for your parents/guardians to sign, please contact your school counselor
almost 2 years ago, Warren County School District
Warren County Virtual Learning Registration Link - This link is for any Warren County Student who wishes to take a virtual class this upcoming school year. We are still completing orientations for Full/Part Time Students. Students in the building will receive and email regarding their online orientation in the buzz system. The virtual team will be around in the buildings the first week of school to assist building students with logging on and beginning their courses as needed. - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5H8HhE0j_EmCsJyTTTqn4lidUnDzR4lOloVjXFPQKwhUQ1BPNko5V1ROVkk0M0dXTUoyNlFMSE1BMC4u
about 2 years ago, Ericka Alm
I've added a copy of the Warren County School District Dress Code. Please, read and refer to the images which contain examples of acceptable and unacceptable student attire. WCSD DRESS CODE Dress reflects the quality of the school, behavior, and the students’ schoolwork. Students are expected to dress in clothes suitable for school and school related activities. Shirts/tops must cover shoulder to shoulder and must be long enough to be tucked in at the waist (if requested). Undergarments cannot show. The following is not acceptable dress and is prohibited: • Halter tops or similarly styled tops exposing a bare midriff • Shorts, skirts, or skorts above mid-thigh • Bare feet • Hats • Slippers and/or pajamas •Chains, and bandannas may not be worn while in attendance at school or during school related activities. Sunglasses (either over the eyes or on the head) may not be worn when indoors. • Any clothing or accessory (patches, buttons, jewelry, etc.) that: - contains language, a symbol, gesture, or other content that is obscene, lewd, vulgar or profane. - advocates the use or advertises the availability of any substance or material that may reasonably be believed to constitute a direct and serious danger to the health or welfare of persons or property (such as tobacco/vaping products, alcohol or illegal drugs). - degrades persons based on race, gender, gender identity, sexuality, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. - incites violence; advocates use of force; or encourages the violation of federal, state or municipal law, or District policies, rules or regulations. - is likely to or does materially or substantially interfere with the educational process, including school activities, schoolwork, or discipline and order on school property or at school functions; threatens serious harm to the school or community; encourages unlawful activity; involves bullying (as defined as a part of Policy 10510); or interferes with another's rights. - causes damage to school property (an example is boots that create scuff marks on the floor). - libels/defames any specific person or persons OR - causes a hazard to the health or safety of the student or to others. • In order to prevent violence and ensure student safety, any clothing or accessory (patches, buttons, jewelry, etc.) that is associated with gangs. • Capes, or items worn as capes. • Clothing or an accessory (patches, buttons, jewelry, etc.) that pertain to a political or social issue, but only if the speech is either clearly profane or is likely to or does materially or substantially interfere with the educational process, including school activities, schoolwork, or discipline and order on school property or at school functions. Hooded sweatshirts, sweaters, or shirts may be worn, but the hood shall not be pulled up to cover the head while indoors. Coats and/or jackets worn to school must be kept in student lockers or other designated areas during the school day. Coats and jackets with hoods may be worn, but the hood shall not be pulled up to cover the head while indoors. Students may be required to wear certain types of clothing while participating in physical education classes, technical education, extracurricular activities, or other situations where special attire may be required to ensure the health or safety of the student The District reserves the right to limit and prohibit manifestations of unprotected student material/expression. It is not possible to define all such material/expression, and decisions on clothing or accessories not specifically covered herein are the responsibility of building-level Principal, who may consult with the Superintendent as necessary. Students and parents/guardians are to inform the school Principal if there is a religious or medical reason that a student is wearing a particular article of clothing or accessory that is otherwise prohibited under the dress code. Any clothing taken by the school for a violation of the dress code will be returned to the student.
about 2 years ago, Glenn Smith
Dress Code Shirts and Tops
Dress Code Bottoms
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Warren County School District! It's everything Warren County School District, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3aLBTUh Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3ILbCBU
about 2 years ago, Warren County School District
Virtual Education Registration for 2022-23 Any student planning on participating in virtual education next year in some fashion, be it full-time, part-time, credit recovery, enrichment, and/or singleton, must complete the registration information found at the link below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx... Questions about virtual education and/or the registration process may be addressed to Ericka Alm, Administrator, alme@wcsdpa.org, (814) 723- 0574 ext. 1702, or Neal Kent, Online Coordinator, kentn@wcsdpa.org - (814) 723-0574 ext. 1317.
about 2 years ago, Warren County School District
The Warren County School District will be holding an Open Interview Day for support positions in the following departments: - CAFETERIA - CUSTODIAL - MAINTENANCE - PARAPROFESSIONAL - SECRETARY This event will be held at the Warren County School District Central Office on Monday, July 25, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. A representative from Kelly Educational Staffing will also be present to interview those interested in substituting. Please bring a current resume, contact information of 3 work references, and any other supporting documentation to the interview. This is a “walk in” event…no appointment is needed.
about 2 years ago, Warren County School District
Math Before Bed The benefits of reading stories to our children at nighttime have been shared countless times over and for good reason. Reading improves literacy skills. Why is it that we don’t do math with our children before bed? Math Before Bed is a collection of prompts that can inspire mathematical discussions that you and your children can have before bed, at dinner, or anytime. Each prompt on this site shows you and your child a perplexing problem. Sometimes there is one right answer and sometimes there are many right answers. The purpose of each question is to generate a discussion about HOW you determined an answer. If you find one answer, try to find another. You could complete one prompt a night, or many prompts. https://mathbeforebed.com/
about 2 years ago, Warren County School District