Spirit Wear Sale! Orders due September 23. Please make checks payable to SAES PTO.
over 2 years ago, Sheffield Area Elementary School
Spirit Wear Order Form
Please review the WCSD Dress Code
over 2 years ago, Sheffield Area Elementary School
Dress Code- Acceptable and Not Acceptable Shirts/Tops
Dress Code
Dress Code- Acceptable and Not Acceptable Bottoms
Dress Code
Warren County Virtual Learning Registration Link - This link is for any Warren County Student who wishes to take a virtual class this upcoming school year. We are still completing orientations for Full/Part Time Students. Students in the building will receive and email regarding their online orientation in the buzz system. The virtual team will be around in the buildings the first week of school to assist building students with logging on and beginning their courses as needed. - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=5H8HhE0j_EmCsJyTTTqn4lidUnDzR4lOloVjXFPQKwhUQ1BPNko5V1ROVkk0M0dXTUoyNlFMSE1BMC4u
over 2 years ago, Ericka Alm
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Warren County School District! It's everything Warren County School District, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3aLBTUh Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3ILbCBU
over 2 years ago, Warren County School District
Virtual Education Registration for 2022-23 Any student planning on participating in virtual education next year in some fashion, be it full-time, part-time, credit recovery, enrichment, and/or singleton, must complete the registration information found at the link below: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx... Questions about virtual education and/or the registration process may be addressed to Ericka Alm, Administrator, alme@wcsdpa.org, (814) 723- 0574 ext. 1702, or Neal Kent, Online Coordinator, kentn@wcsdpa.org - (814) 723-0574 ext. 1317.
over 2 years ago, Warren County School District
The Warren County School District will be holding an Open Interview Day for support positions in the following departments: - CAFETERIA - CUSTODIAL - MAINTENANCE - PARAPROFESSIONAL - SECRETARY This event will be held at the Warren County School District Central Office on Monday, July 25, 2022, from 8:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. and again from 1:00 p.m. through 3:00 p.m. A representative from Kelly Educational Staffing will also be present to interview those interested in substituting. Please bring a current resume, contact information of 3 work references, and any other supporting documentation to the interview. This is a “walk in” event…no appointment is needed.
over 2 years ago, Warren County School District
Math Before Bed The benefits of reading stories to our children at nighttime have been shared countless times over and for good reason. Reading improves literacy skills. Why is it that we don’t do math with our children before bed? Math Before Bed is a collection of prompts that can inspire mathematical discussions that you and your children can have before bed, at dinner, or anytime. Each prompt on this site shows you and your child a perplexing problem. Sometimes there is one right answer and sometimes there are many right answers. The purpose of each question is to generate a discussion about HOW you determined an answer. If you find one answer, try to find another. You could complete one prompt a night, or many prompts. https://mathbeforebed.com/
over 2 years ago, Warren County School District
The mission of the Warren County School District is to support the personal and intellectual success and wellness of every student, every day.
almost 3 years ago, Warren County School District