The next month(s) will be very busy.
On our website and Facebook page you will find information the upcoming PSSA exam and important procedures. The PSSAs are for grades 3-8th in ELA and Math and grades 4th and 8th in Science.
Students in grades 5-8 will be taking the ELA PSSA on April 25th 26th, and 27th
Students in grades 5-8 will be taking the Math PSSA on May 2nd and 3rd
Students in grade 8 will be taking the Science PSSA on May 4th and 5th
Please avoid scheduling any morning appointments and any educational trips on these days. Any vacations will not be approved by the administration. Testing will occur each morning. Please make sure your child has their laptops in working order and a complete charge. Please also make sure your child brings their charging cords with them to school each morning. If your child does not have a laptop, then please notify the administration as soon as possible. I am confident our Beaty students are going to shine and show how much they have learned this year.
Easter break will begin on April 6th which there will be no school and school will resume on April 11th. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter break with their families.
Beaty will have its next Lockdown Drill on April 13th.
The end of the 3rd marking period is March 31st. Report Cards will be sent home on April 12th.
Construction on the new roundabout will begin on April 3rd. This will affect am and pm commutes. A couple things to keep in mind.
Please remind your children who walk to school to wait for the crossing guards to cross them across the street as we will have more traffic flow on both 3rd Ave. and Conewango Ave.
Parents dropping children off on 3rd Ave. along the fence at the top of the driveway, please drop them off at different locations so you are not blocking the driveway and backing up traffic.
Parents who usually pull down into Beaty to drop your children off by the office door, be prepared to allow for additional time as there may be more traffic along 3rd Ave. and traffic may get backed up.
Parents may want to drop children off on Conewango Ave. or further down on Third Ave. to help alleviate traffic backing up.
Save the date: Springapolooza will be happening May 18th. This will be our spring concert, art show, book fair and basket raffle all in one evening. More information will be coming.
Shelly R. Wagner
Assistant Principal
Beaty-Warren Middle School